
林冠英向神挥拳向天吐口水 扪心自问是否有无强拆庙宇


8 May 2012
Press statement by Wanita MCA Penang Chairman Sdri Tan Cheng Liang
Lim Guan Eng should ask himself whether Pakatan state governments are free from demolishing temples
Lim Guan Eng’s attempt at challenging the Heavens warrants criticism. He claims that the Penang State Government holds the state population’s best interest at heart and condemned Penang UMNO for demolishing religious sites. How hypocritical he is when local authorities in Pakatan-led state governments too have demolished temples, leading to grievances among the people.
The DAP Secretary General had remarked at the Penang state assembly - “If UMNO returns to power, all Hindu temples will be demolished.” Before Lim Guan Eng utters such a remark, he should ask himself boldly whether the Penang State Government has never demolished any temples and never has insulted any religious groups.
The Penang State Government had pledged to oppose any attempts to demolish religious sites. However in these 4 years, DAP has proven to be a disappointment to the people. The demolition of the Tua Pek Kong temple at Butterworth is the most significant example. It is really disgraceful of Lim Guan Eng to shirk his responsibilities and act out in the public’s eye instead.
Hindu shrines destroyed in other Pakatan-led states
In addition to Penang, other Pakatan states including Kedah, Penang and Selangor also had incidences where Hindu shrines were demolished. None will be spared as long as it is a Pakatan controlled state.
Besides Penang where the Tua Pek Kong temple in Butterworth was demolished, a Hindu shrine and a Chinese temple was also torn down in Sungai Petani, Kedah. In Selangor, a Hindu temple in Ampang was also demolished causing 300 Indians to stage a peaceful demonstration in front of the Selangor state government building.
I urge Lim Guan Eng that if Penang government wants a citizen-centric state government, he should implement fair and just rulings during the State Assembly to fulfill his promises. He must not allow any schools, religious sites, mosques, prayer rooms, Christian churches, Hindu or Buddhist temples to be torn down.
Sdri Tan Cheng Liang
Wanita MCA Penang Chairman







