
Hidden elements within DAP trying to do away with Tunku Aziz

Penang DAP Chairman Chow Kon Yeow has revealed that while the State Committee had approved of the renewal of Tunku Abdul Aziz’s senatorship, yet he was still dropped off his post during the final stages. Isn’t it obvious there was foul-play by someone who seek to freeze out Tunku Abdul Aziz for not toeing the party line, causing this dramatic turn of events?

The people each had their own thoughts on this issue with DAP leaders citing irreconcilable differences as the cause for his resignation, while avid DAP supporters thought that Tunku Abdul Aziz quitted due to shame from DAP’s refusal to renew his senatorship. There are others who believe that someone behind the scenes is set on tarnishing his reputation. These are all DAP’s ugly tactics. This is a prime example of DAP supporters flocking together to discredit any ‘opponents’ to DAP to eliminate all that stands in their way.

To shake off the deep-rooted impression that DAP houses no Malay leaders, the higher ranks of DAP sought to offer RM50,000 to Tunku Aziz to retain his services. The upright and just Tunku Aziz rightly so did not appreciate this gesture and thought it was a grave insult to him. If this sort of events were to happen with BN, Pakatan is bound to attack BN profusely.

Tunku Aziz has, in the NTV7 interview, criticized the mess that DAP had brought on to themselves. He was disappointed that there was a key party member who had set up the Rocket Café in Petaling Jaya without a valid operating license by the Petaling Jaya Municipal Council. Besides that, he stated that there was a previous occasion when an important leader prevented the local government from taking action against illegal stall owners because they were DAP supporters. These examples prove that DAP does not take the country’s welfare at heart. They will not hesitate to use the state government’s power to protect their interests.

I dare Lim Guan Eng to claim that it wasn't because of Tunku Aziz’s remarks on the April 28 rally that his senatorship was dropped. If that was not the reason, he should boldly address the public instead of issuing press statements to clarify on this matter. He must win back the people’s trust or his reputation will be tarnished.

I trust that the people’s impression on Lim Guan Eng has changed significantly after this event. The situation would not have come to this, if DAP tolerates differences in opinions among its leaders and had appreciate the contributions of Tunku Aziz as what Lim Guan Eng had claimed. All attempts to fix the situation is nothing but a political act now.

(吉隆坡17日讯) 马华槟州妇女组主席陈清凉表示槟州行动党主席曹观友揭露州联委会一致通过推荐东姑阿都阿兹,只是最后东姑阿兹的上议员职还是遭撤换,可见显然是有人从中作梗,意图打压发表异议言论的东姑阿兹,导致最后东姑阿兹续任上议员之职上演一场滑铁卢戏码。

“退党事件已经演变成是公说公有理婆说婆有理的地步,在东姑阿都阿兹选出退党后,行动党领袖众说纷纭,而行动党支持者则指责东姑阿都阿兹是为自己当官不成为自己铺路,而相信这是有心人故意诋毁其名誉,这也是行动党一贯的抹黑文化。一旦遇到不利于行动党的消息, 其支持者都会群起对对手展开抹黑,这次也不例外。"

他补充, 在担心外界对行动党留不住马来人的刻板印象行动党又想到以政府官务并以5万津贴游说东姑阿兹出任该职东姑阿兹进行挽留无奈公正不阿的东姑阿兹不领情反指对其是极大侮辱。倘若这件事是发生在国阵领袖身上, 行动党可能进行连串攻击。

东姑阿兹在接受专访也批评行动党的乱象,指曾在八打灵再也开设的火箭餐厅,以行动党名义开设, 却不曾在中委会提出讨论, 但根据报章报道该餐厅是没有获得市议会的准证,却也照常营业一年。另外, 曾有一名重要领袖阻止地方政府执法组对非法小贩采取行动,原因是他们是行动党的支持者。这些例子显示出民联领袖只会把自家问题扫进地毯。一旦涉及自身利益,就不惜滥用执政州属的特权掩盖问题。









