It is time for the Penang state government to end being implacable to the Penang people whose concerns about hillside development have been dismissed. The Penang people have been protesting in frustration against the planning and approval process of the projects because it is caters to developers only and fails to incorporate feedback from locals.
The DAP-led state administration should not be making decisions without consulting those affected by the decisions first. As Penang Island Municipal Councillor Dr. Lim Mah Hui suggested in his speech last Monday as reported in New Straits Times (26 June 2012), the council needs to hold consultative meetings with the public to explain the impact of its proposed projects and to get the locals’ input and approval before making a final decision.
Frustration will continue to brew until there are serious steps taken to ensure the local council and the people are given the chance to be involved in making decisions that affects their lives. Once again, I urge DAP Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng to listen to the concerns of ordinary citizens and residents and take serious action to ensure that their interests are truly being represented.
DAP not serious enough about championing democracy
It is clear that DAP is not serious about democracy. Although it claims to be the champion of democratic ideals, DAP has neglected a key responsibility of the government: representing the people. The Penang people’s largest complaint is in the process of implementing projects, which has favoured developers at the expense of the people. For example, a 30-storey apartment was approved in a low-rise residential area where individual homeowners have been trying to get permission to build three storey-houses. These kinds of incidents have been occurring more frequently, which has understandably incited anger from Penang citizens and residents.
DAP has failed to demonstrate its claims as the champion of democratic ideals. How long will the DAP continue to rule Penang without the consent of the Penang people?
Tan Cheng Liang
Wanita MCA Penang Chairman
Wanita MCA Penang Chairman